Club Charter

Adopted August 18, 2009

The underwater hockey players of the San Francisco Sea Lions Underwater Hockey Club, in order to form a better organization, advance their common goals in the development of underwater hockey and secure the opportunity to play underwater hockey for anyone so willing; do hereby establish this Charter for the San Francisco Sea Lions Underwater Hockey Club.


Our mission is to secure the opportunity to play and develop the sport of underwater hockey, in the San Francisco Bay Area, in order to train local athletes for national and international competition.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The San Francisco Sea Lions Underwater Hockey Club (SFUWH) is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community and to ensuring that access to participation is based on physical health and abilities. Consistent with this principle and applicable laws, it is therefore the policy of this Club not to discriminate in offering access to its educational programs and activities, or with respect to conditions on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

Club Membership

A club member is a person who has paid their annual club and society dues.

A club member has the right to:

A club member is required to:

Membership Meetings

An annual meeting shall be held in January. The exact time and location shall be announced by the Steering Committee at least 2 weeks in advance.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will be composed of three club members selected to represent the interests of the club, as defined in the club's Vision Statement. Steering Committee officers will be elected by club members for an annual term which will begin immediately after the membership meeting where votes are counted.

The Steering Committee will have one officer in each position. The responsibilities of each position include but are not limited to those listed below.




The Steering Committee will keep minutes of meetings and make them available to club members. Except when noted, the Steering Committee may decide on its actions by simple majority.

Steering Committee Powers and Responsibilities

The Steering Committee is empowered to act as it sees fit to fulfill its role. A minimum set of specific powers and responsibilities of the Steering Committee include but are not limited to:

Club Policies

The Steering Committee will create policies that support or enhance the Vision Statement of the club. Any policy change must be agreed on by all members of the steering committee and approved by general consensus or physical vote as described in section "Membership Voting".

Steering Committee - Selection

Every year in December Club members will nominate candidates for the next selection of Steering Committee officers. Club members must send their nominations to the entire membership or the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will organize a physical vote according to the process described in section "Membership voting".

Each member may vote for up to three persons in ranked order. The persons may or may not be in the list of nominated candidates. Within a single member's vote, the highest person ranked gets three (3) points, the second highest gets two (2) points, and the third highest gets one (1) point. The three people with the largest number of points will form the steering committee for the following calendar year. In the event that a candidate declines a position, the candidate with the next higher number of votes will be elected.

The Steering Committee positions will be determined firstly by negotiated preference within the Committee and, in the event of an unresolved dispute, by the candidate with the larger number of votes has preference. If there is a tie in the number of votes, a coin toss shall be conducted.

In case of resignation in writing, incapacitation or absence of one or two member(s) the remaining member(s) can act only on urgent matters. Decisions on non-urgent matters must await the return of the absent Steering Committee member(s) or their replacement by new Steering Committee member(s). If the entire Steering Committee becomes unavailable the three oldest and willing members shall form an interim SC that can take action only on urgent matters until a new SC is named.

If any number of members of the Steering Committee becomes unable to serve for any reason for more than 2 months, or if a petition signed by a majority of members requests it, an election must be held within 4 weeks to select new a Steering Committee. The voting process shall be the same as for the annual vote.

Membership Voting

The Steering Committee conducts a general consensus vote by announcing a proposed action to all members by email with a request for comments due no sooner than 7 days. A physical vote can be called by petition of two members. The physical vote will be counted within 4 weeks of the call. The action will be approved if there is no call for a physical vote or by a majority of physical votes.

Physical votes will be announced at least 2 weeks before the membership meeting where votes will be counted. Each member will cast no more than 1 anonymous paper ballot. The names of all voting members will be recorded. Ballot contents must remain secret until they are counted at the membership meeting. The results of the election will be announced immediately.


The Treasurer must ensure the club has sufficient funds to pay all liabilities and $500 in reserve for unexpected urgent expenses.

Expenditures less than $50 may be authorized by any Steering Committee member. Expenditures less than $500 may be authorized by unanimous decision of the Steering Committee. Expenditures less than $1500 may be authorized by general consensus of the members. Any expenditure may be authorized by physical vote of the members.

No Club member shall be liable except for unpaid dues; and no personal liability shall in any event be attached to any member in connection with any of the Club's undertakings.

No part of the net earnings of the Club shall inure to the benefit of any member or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the Club).

In the event of dissolution of the Club, the remaining assets of the Club shall be distributed between one or more organizations that support the growth of underwater hockey or the protection of the ocean in California.


An amendment to this charter must be approved by a majority in a physical membership vote, as described in the section "Membership Voting". Any member may propose amendments to be voted on at the annual membership meeting.

A majority of the members may call for a vote to amend the charter at any time. The vote must be counted within 4 weeks of the call for a vote.

Amendment: Steering committee members must be adults

In order to be elected to the steering committee, a club member must be a legal adult in the US, i.e. 18 years or older, at the time of the election. Note all club votes are open to all members, regardless of age. Adopted by club vote on February 16, 2017.

Amendment: Online voting

The voting procedure described in this document explicitly requires a physical vote, with printed ballots and envelopes. An online vote, conducted over the Internet, is now considered acceptable, and may be used as an alternative to a physical vote, at the steering committee's discretion. The steering committee decides how such a vote is performed, and is responsible for the integrity of the voting process. Adopted by club vote on February 16, 2017.

Amendment: Mission Statement

New mission statement adopted by unanimous approval of the membership at the membership meeting of January 24th, 2024.

Club Founding

A special vote will be announced to approve this charter and select the first Steering Committee. The vote and selection will generally follow the process used during for regular vote and Steering Committee selection.

Mon July 20, 2009: Request sent for nominations of people willing to serve on the Steering Committee to reach Tom Brown or

Sun Aug 2, 2009: Nominations due

Mon Aug 3, 2009: Vote announcement sent including a list of people nominated, the text of the charter, instructions of casting a ballot and the time and location of the vote count.

Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:45pm at King Pool: A physical vote is held for the Steering Committee and Charter. Any person who has payed for Monday night practice four times in 2009 or has a positive balance with the existing informal system at the time votes are counted will be considered a member. If a majority of the entire membership approve, the charter it is adopted.